A camel
An app icon
The most beautiful Islamic prayer time app on the app store.
An arrow icon pointing north east
An animated camel walking at a moderate pace
An app icon
The most beautiful Islamic prayer time app on the app store.
An arrow icon pointing north east
Awqāt (ow-kawt). The most beautiful Islamic prayer time app on the app store.
A download on the app store button
Islamic prayer times based on the positions of the sun and the moon.
Precision timing and universal calculation methods.
Awqāt is
spiritual software.
A download on the app store button
Respect, thanks, and honor to you for using Awqāt, the most beautiful Islamic prayer time app on the app store. Please email info@c-a-m-l.com with any questions, suggestions, or feedback you may have about the app. Below you will find a detailed product roadmap of where Awqāt is going, an FAQ list for a deeper view into the product, and our privacy policy.

Awqāt displays Islamic prayer times based on the positions of the sun and the moon using a digital sundial to visualize sunrise, zenith, sunset, and twilight sky positions. Awqāt is the most beautiful Islamic prayer time app on the app store.
In progress
  • Gather, evaluate, and implement user feedback
  • Scale UI for true responsive view across devices
  • Fix minor animation bugs
  • Widgets
  • Darkmode
  • Enable notifications
  • Android development (longterm)
  • Publish Awqāt v1.0
  • What does Awqāt mean?

    Awqāt means "times" in Arabic/Farsi. "Prayer times" in English then translates to "awqāt namaaz" in Farsi. It is a common phrase to describe the general concept of the times of the 5 prayers prescribed upon Muslims.

  • What is CamlCorp.?

    CamlCorp. is a design company based in Berkeley, California with an output of software and objects in the form of 2-D and 3-D design. This is their first release.

  • Privacy Policy

    View here.

An animated camel walking at a moderate pace